Waukesha engines are designed for the oil & gas industry’s most challenging and remote environments. Explore the efficiencies our engine technology can provide.
Looking for Jenbacher or Waukesha energy solutions from INNIO?Contact Accessibility Deutsch What we do Open What we do Overview Energy Solutions Services Digital INNIO is leading the transition to net zero. Discover our vision & purpose Who we are Open Who w...
Looking for Jenbacher® or Waukesha® energy solutions from INNIO®? The energy transition is happening now - with INNIO at its center. Our company Our brands INNIO Brands INNIO’s portfolio uses renewable energy sources, innovative engineering, and technology to seize the opportunities of the...
Waukesha engines have been built to date. 25 gigawatts of power have been delivered to over 100 countries. 1 / 3 Discover Waukesha Visit the Waukesha homepage / Contact Contact Us Please fill out the form to contact an INNIO expert. * * * * * * * By checking this box, you agree ...
INNIO 是一家领先的能源解决方案及服务供应商,致力于推动工业和社区实现可持续能源。凭借旗下的两大品牌颜巴赫(Jenbacher)和瓦克夏(Waukesha)的产品以及数字平台myPlant,INNIO 为发电和压缩领域提供创新的解决方案,帮助工业和社区可持续地生产和管理能源,并引领传统能源向绿色能源的快速转型。INNIO 的业务遍布全球,凭借...
INNIO’s Waukesha* VHP* Series Four* rich-burn engines are the engines of choice for the harshest and most demanding gas compression, power generation and mechanical drive applications. The Series Four engines can reliably produce more power on hot field gases, at high altitudes, and in remote ...
INNIO集团旗下品牌Waukesha和日本电产运动与能源平台(Nidec Motion & Energy Platform)的业务部门日本电产转换公司(Nidec Conversion)今天宣布了一项技术合作,将日本电产的高效电动机技术与沃基沙的发动机解决方案相结合。 该协议结合了INNIO集团在上游、中游和下游领域100多年的Waukesha专业知识,以及日本电产在电机技术方面长...
INNIO集团旗下品牌Waukesha和日本电产运动与能源平台(Nidec Motion & Energy Platform)的业务部门日本电产转换公司(Nidec Conversion)今天宣布了一项技术合作,将日本电产的高效电动机技术与沃基沙的发动机解决方案相结合。 该协议结合了INNIO集团在上游、中游和下游领域100多年的Waukesha专业知识,以及日本电产在电机技术方面长...
INNIO’s Waukesha* VHP* Series Four* rich-burn engines are the engines of choice for the harshest and most demanding gas compression, power generation and mechanical drive applications. The Series Four engines can reliably produce more power on hot field gases, at high altitudes, and in remote ...
Powerexpo Kz 2024, Innio Jenbacher & Waukesha, bio energy; cogeneration plants heat-generating equipment and machinery for local fuel use; electric equipment for generation, transmission and distribution of electric power; electrical tools and technical