Central Council for Jews in GermanyStefan Kramer, leader of the anti-German , upon publication of Sarrazin’s book, insisted that Sarrazin be “stripped” of all public honors and that “action” be taken against him for venting “pernicious” opinions. (Crucify Him! Crucify Him! … Sound fa...
It impugns the paternity of the much-hated chief councillor, Han To-chou (d.1207). 周密记录的一个轶闻可以当作这类材料的典型。它对奸臣韩侂胄的身世提出了非议。 When Wang Hsuan-tzu was an erudite at the imperial academy, one of his maids got pregnant. 王宣子尝为太学博士,适一婢有孕 ...
It impugns the paternity of the much-hated chief councillor, Han To-chou (d.1207). 周密记录的一个轶闻可以当作这类材料的典型。它对奸臣韩侂胄的身世提出了非议。 When Wang Hsuan-tzu was an erudite at the imperial academy, one of his maids got pregnant. 王宣子尝为太学博士,适一婢有孕 ...
It is a consequence of implementation of the Household Production Responsibility System (HPRS), also known as the Double Contracts System in grassland areas. The HPRS was launched in 1998 to deal with grassland degradation caused by social and institutional problems in the study area [79]. The ...
A cross-sectional survey of the exposure to household waste was associated with both increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms (such as coughing, breathlessness, phlegm, sore throat, wheezing) and worse lung function testing results (with self-reported diseases such as Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis...
2.2. Water Collection, Arsenic Analysis and Exposure Assignment At the time of interview, we collected approximately 40 mL of water in 50 mL polypropylene test tubes at the household's primary source of water. After collection, the samples were stored at -20º C and then delivered on ice ...