Xie, X., Xue, R., Zhang, R. (2012). Inner-Product Lossy Trapdoor Functions and Applications. In: Bao, F., Samarati, P., Zhou, J. (eds) Applied Cryptography and Network Security. ACNS 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7341. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org...
Inner-Product Lossy Trapdoor Functions and Applications Xiang Xie1,2, , Rui Xue3, and Rui Zhang3, 1 Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 3 The State Key Laboratory of Information Security Institute of Information Engineering, ...
azure.functions.annotation com.microsoft.azure.functions com.microsoft.azure.documentdb com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor.internal com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.customization com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.models com.microso...
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, Any of several related inequalities developed by Augustin-Louis Cauchy and, later, Herman Schwarz (1843–1921). The inequalities arise from assigning a real number measurement, or norm, to the functions, vectors, or integrals within a particular space in order to analyze...
Inner product space, In mathematics, a vector space or function space in which an operation for combining two vectors or functions (whose result is called an inner product) is defined and has certain properties. Such spaces, an essential tool of function
Finally, a version of Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for strongly h-convex functions is established.Mehmet Zeki SarikayaM. Z. Sarikaya, On strongly ϕh-convex functions in inner product spaces, SubmittedSarikaya M.Z., On strongly h -convex functions in inner product spaces, Arab J. ...
Speaker comparison can then be viewed as the process of compensating and finding metrics on the space of adapted mode ls. We propose a framework, inner product discriminant functions (IPDFs), which extends many common techniques for speaker comparison—support vector machines, joint fac- tor ...
azure.functions com.microsoft.azure.documentdb com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor.internal com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.customization com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.models com.microsoft.azure.management.azurestackhci.v2020_10_01...
MULTILAYER PERCEPTRONS TO APPROXIMATE COMPLEX VALUED FUNCTIONS P. ARENA,International Journal of Neural Systems,2011 RKH Space Methods for Low Level Monitoring and Control of Nonlinear Systems II. A Vector-Case Example: The Lorenz System Alan Cover,Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,20...
Tangent vectors of a hypersurface F in a point p are the vectors associated to the directional derivatives of the coordinate functions in the usual way. So u is a tangent vector of the hypersurface F in its point v=(s+f(s)en), if it is of the form u=α(e+fe′(s)en) for real...