INNER JOIN 语法: INNER JOIN 连接两个数据表的用法: SELECT * FROM 表1 INNER JOIN 表2 ON 表1.字段号=表2.字段号 INNER JOIN 连接三个数据表的用法: SELECT * FROM (表1 INNER JOIN 表2 ON 表1.字段号=表2.字段号) INNER JOIN 表3 ON 表1.字段号=表3.字段号 INNER JOIN 连接四个数据表的...
既然两个表在逻辑上通过 airln 字段可以关联,建议使用以下 inner join: Select a~airln a~lnnam b~fligh b~cntry into table int_airdet From zairln as a inner join zflight as b on a~airln = b~airln. 这样就可以根据选择条件来限制数据,以上inner join还可以增加 where 条件来进一步限制选择条件。
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Even i dont think its possible to do join on 3 tables in a single delete statement. If you have to delete the entries based on a key u can use 3 different delete statements like this, loop at it_zemp. delete from zemp where empid = it_zem...
取数据一般都会用到多个表,inner join是非常常用的操作,但因为比较耗数据库资源,所以很多时间不推荐。 大家也知道,SAP这东西,应用服务器可以扩展为多个,但数据库服务器只有一个,所以必须少消耗DB资源。 据boss说,一般多对多或关联很多表(例如3个以上)时就不用inner join(前者是因为难搞清关系,不太清晰),应改...
102 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi. simple is that the fields of tables which u are using in inner join , write those fields in where condition. just like select * from ztable inner join ztable2 on ( key fields) where ztable2~field = ? and ztable~field =? . Reply ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Guys , I have a requirement where i have to join 3 tables i dont know whether the inner Join which i wrote for 3 tables is correct or not.I am not getting any Syntax error but whether the logci below which i wrote gets all the records or not...
假设| a表和b表的数据是这样的 1.1 内连接 ( INNER JOIN )内连接是最常见的一种连接,它也被称为普通连接 返回结果: 1.2 左外连接 (LEFT OUTER JOIN) 返回结果: 1.3 右外连接 ( RIGHT JOIN ) 返回结果: 以上。
FDA 从 SAP ABAP 内核 7.42 版本引入,对于一般的 ABAP 开发人员来说是透明的,仅仅能够在 ST05 Execution 里观察到。 上图的执行计划里,我们在 SELECT 语句里只访问了来自 sflight 表的 carrid 和 connid 两个字段,但是从执行计划的蓝色区域能观察到,sflight 和 spfli 的数据库表 INNER JOIN 仍然发生了。
下面通过一个ABAP程序,具体说明一下INNER JOIN,LEFT OUTER JOIN,RIGHT OUTER JOIN差异。 有两个数据库表,表中记录如下: Inner join结果: Left outer join结果如下: right outer join结果如下: 完整代码如下: REPORT ZTEST_JOIN. CLASS demo DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: class_constructor, main....
The data that can be selected with a view depends primarily on whether the view implements an inner join or an outer join. With an inner join, you get only the records of the cross-product for which there is an entry in all tables used in the view. With an outer join, the system ...