According to applied nitrogen doses the highest values are found; heading in terms of time (198.00±0.00) days, in terms of plant height (113 .10±1. 55 ) cm, in terms of length of spike (9. 02+0 . 2 6) cm, in terms of grain filling period of (60.00±0.57)days, the number...
Ameliyat zorlatran darlk hastalarn %82'sinde (n=96) üreterin distal ilk 5 cm'lik ksmnda grüldü (p<0.05). Hastalarn %40.9'unda (n=47) üreterdeki darlk nedeniyle operasyona devam edilemedi. Operasyona devam edilememe oranlar alt, orta ve ...
However, M1-enhancement in plant height (27±0.4) cm and leaf area (289.83±45.04) cm2 of the non-inoculated tomato plants was lower than that in the inoculated ones. This indicated that M1 induction was most distinct after viral inoculati...