block-level elements 和 inline elements 块级元素:div form table p h ol ul 内联元素:span a input select textarea img block元素可以包含block元素和inline元素,但inline元素只能包含inline元素 display:inline-block 简单来说就是将对象呈现为inline对象,但是对象的内容作为block对象呈现。之后的内联对象会被排列...
display: inline-block样式会在一些情况下产生间隙,这通常是由于元素之间的空白符或换行符所致。具体来说,以下情况可能导致display: inline-block元素之间出现间隙: HTML 源代码中的换行符和空格:如果display: inline-block元素之间有换行符或空格,浏览器会将这些空白符解释为文字空间,从而在布局中产生间隙。 上面的...
Elements with inline-block can sit side by side (like inline elements) but can also have specific width and height set (like block elements). This is particularly useful for elements that need to sit in a row but also have specific dimensions, such as buttons or items in a horizontal ...
By default, will be placed below previous elements in the markup (assuming no floats or positioning on surrounding elements) Ignores thevertical-alignproperty So, for a block element, it’s not necessary to give it a set width or to give it awidth of 100%if you want it to fill its par...
The default display value for most elements is block or inline.Block-level ElementsA block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can).The element is a block-level element.Examples...
In general, you do not want to try to put extra padding or margin on inline elements. The middle ground inline-block Inline-block elements behave like inline elements, but with block-style padding and margin. display: inline-block is a useful tool to know about, but in practice, you’ll...
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) elements historically were categorized as either "block-level" elements or "inline-level" elements. Since this is a presentational characteristic it is nowadays specified by CSS in theFlow Layout.Inline elements are those which only occupy the space bounded by the ...
Each HTML element has a default appearance depending on the type of element it is. The default appearance for most of the elements is either block or inline.
Two commonly used block elements are: and .The element defines a paragraph in an HTML document.The element defines a division or a section in an HTML document.The element is a block-level element.The element is a block-level element.Example Hello WorldHello World ...
Maybe they don’t need to be inline-block at all, maybe they can just be floated one way or another. That allows you to set their width and height and padding and stuff. You just can’t center them like you can bytext-align: center;the parent ofinline-blockelements. Well… you kind...