编译器 inline 内联优化简介 算是比较常见的编译器优化,这里简单介绍一下。 1、function call 为了进行函数调用,程序需要将调用参数放到栈或寄存器中,同时还需要保存一些寄存器到栈上,以免 callee 会覆盖到。函数执行的切换,对于代码局部性、寄存器使用、运行性能都会有不少的影响。 2、inline inline 是通过把函数的实...
代码运行起来以后,我们来看看最终生成的汇编代码 我们看到,加了inline修饰后的函数,仍然使用了call指令,存在函数调用,并不是我们我们前面说理解的,直接将函数体代码展开。原因是我们现在编译器处于debug模式,在debug模式下,编译器默认是不会内联的,因为内联是做优化,因此我们需要做一些操作,将编译器修改为release模式,并...
inline intfunctionName(int first,int secend,...){/***/}; inline如果只修饰函数的申明的部分,如下风格的函数foo不能成为内联函数: 代码语言:javascript 复制 inlinevoidfoo(int x,int y);//inline仅与函数声明放在一起voidfoo(int x,int y){} 而如下风格的函数foo 则成为内联函数: 代码语言:javascript...
There is, however, one potential drawback to makingshorterStringa function: Calling a function is slower than evaluating the equivalent expression. On most machines, a function call does a lot of work: registers are saved before the call and restored after the return; the arguments are copied;...
1. It speeds up your program by avoiding function calling overhead. 2. It save overhead of variables push/pop on the stack, when function calling happens. 3. It save overhead of return call from a function. 4. It increases locality of reference by utilizing instruction cache. ...
The C++ inline function provides an alternative. With inline keyword, the compiler replaces the function call statement with the function code itself (process called expansion) and then compiles the entire code. Thus, with inline functions, the compiler does not have to jump to another location ...
(var1);}}));}}publicfinalclassDemo{privatefinalString title="title_private";@NotNullpublicfinalStringgetTitle(){returnthis.title;}publicfinalvoidwithPublicField(@NotNullFunction0 otherFun){String var2="Call from withPublicField, title: "+this_$iv.getTitle();System.out.println(var2);other...
内联函数是C++的重要特性之一。那么,首先让我们了解一下为什么要使用内联函数,内联函数的目的是什么? 函数调用本质上是由一个call汇编指令实现的,当运行到call指令处时,CPU会执行一系列操作(包括保存返回地址,复制参数,这些操作与实际任务无关且将耗费一定时间),然后将控制权转移到指定函数,待其执行完毕再返还控制...
As with normal functions, there is no defined order of evaluation of the arguments to an inline function. In fact, it could be different from the order in which the arguments are evaluated when passed using normal function call protocol. ...
The inline keyword is a function specifier that tells the compiler to substitute the code within the function definition for every instance of a function call.RemarksInline code substitution occurs only at the compiler's discretion. For example, the compiler won't inline a function if its address...