嵌体的种类根据制作的材料不同 第五页,共九页。•按缺损范围大小分为:•Inlay:类似于一种充填体,范围在牙尖以内,没有破坏牙尖•Onlay:高嵌体,用于缺损范围较大,包括一个或多个牙尖,覆盖并高•Overlay:超嵌体,咬合面全覆盖 第六页,共九页。第七页,共九页。第八页,共九页。根据嵌体覆盖牙...
两者在受力方面差异很大,属于明确不同的修复体 当然现在牙体的部分人也搞出很多新概念比如overlay 跟o...
Inlay/Onlay/Overlay/Occlusal Veneer û收藏 2 5 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 烈豹车针!精工品质,匠心力作! 更多a 微关系 他的关注(314) 花叔 Hoshino-J 雷军 两杯温开水 他的粉丝(3012) fj-93 包头...
Amniotic membrane inlay and overlay grafting for corneal epithelial defects and stromal ulcers Maxillary antral-nasal inlay autogenous bone graft reconstruction of compromised maxilla: a 12-year retrospective study. Ramus or chin grafts for maxillary sinus inlay and local onlay augmentation: comparison of...
Cartilage rosette inlay-onlay myringoplasty offers an effective solution for small to medium-sized perforations, achieving high success rates (93.33%). This technique is associated with reduced surgical time, suitability for day care surgery, and minimal scarring, making it a valuable addition to ...
İnlay ve Onlay; Çürüyen ya da kanal tedavisi sonrası madde kaybı çok olan dişleri, orijinal şekil ve direncine en yakın hale getirmenin..
259 - Ventral inlay versus dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture; Randomized control trial Author links open overlay panels C 1, P Nayak 1, S Mandal 1, A Singh Gaur 1, M K das 1, S Tripathy 1, K Barik 1...
在线看Формированиеполостейподвкладки inlay, onlay,.. 3分钟 51秒。11 4月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 3268 — 已浏览。 54 — 已评价。
Dental Inlay and Onlay Construction by Iterative Laplacian Surface Editing We propose a new method for automatic construction of inlays and onlays. Mesh models from a small tooth library are adapted to the remaining healthy surfac... T Steinbrecher,M Gerth - 《Computer Graphics Forum》 被引量:...
Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP), Full and Optimized Structural Weld Overlay (FSWOL, OWOL), and Inlay and Onlay cladding are examples of the currently proposed mitigation methods. This paper focuses on an evaluation of the inlay process for the mitigation of PWSCC since it may be ...