://github.com/fsmMLK, 该作者提供了很多inkscape的插件 比如下载安装笛卡尔坐标系二维函数图绘制插件inkscapeCartesianPlotFunction2D,进入该插件地址https...系统:win1064bits软件: (1)inkscape(2) texlive或者miktex (3) pstoedit (4) ghostscript 以上软件安装之后需要将二进制目录 ...
For OS X and Linux, the local user directory is~/.config/inkscape/symbols. For Windows, the directory is: %PROGRAMFILES%\Inkscape\share\symbols. (64 bits) %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Inkscape\share\symbols. (32 bits) Launch Inkscape (close it first if...
You can’t have another copy of Inkscape open while you do this. Realistically, you can’t really doanythingat your computer until this is done, as it’s popping up windows and shifting focus like crazy. (ssh types can say “heh!†in a smug manner ...
on release of PAL 2.2 ; Work out if it's 64-bit or 32-bit System::Call kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()i.s System::Call kernel32::IsWow64Process(is,*i.r0) ${If} $0 == 0 StrCpy $Bits 32 ${Else} StrCpy $Bits 64 ${EndIf} StrCpy $0 $Bits ${SetEnvironmentVariable} CustomBits $0 ...