as well as figuring out what your machine is capable of, but one thing that might slip peoples’ minds is the software involved. Read on to find outall you need to knowthe basics of what goes on behind the scenes to “magically” produce interesting parts.Continue reading“Software Advice ...
This would require getting Flutter to support mesh gradients upstream. I think that's probably doable. On the web it's a bit trickier.
Generating the notch pattern on an ellipse is tricky. On a circle the notches are evenly spaced and the distance along an arc is easy to calculate, for ellipses it is much harder. Access to a laser cutter. Since laser cutters can be set up in different ways it is important to be aware...
First, draw a circle of reasonable size. The smaller the circle, the more cells you’ll get in your Voronoi diagram. Place this somewhere on the top left corner of your mask. Screenshot from 2017-09-21 09-04-17942×530 54.1 KB Now we’ll create some tiled clones of this, in order ...
[s].scale(t)}}document.querySelectorAll("rect,circle,ellipse,path,text").forEach((r,n)=>{let o=r.getAttribute("id");o||(o="patchjs_shape"+n,r.setAttribute("id",o));const^url\(\s*"?\s*#([^\s"]+)"?\s*\)/),^url\...