Inklings are protagonists from the Splatoon series who also make some appearances in crossover games. They are a race of humanoids that can turn into squids, the color of which is based on their hair/tentacle color. Inklings live in Inkopolis, where...
《任天堂明星大特别版》全斗士科普介绍:65.Inkling #斯普拉遁3 #任天堂明星大乱斗特别版 #splatoon - 任评测于20220915发布在抖音,已经收获了112.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The Inkling is the species of player characters from the Splatoon universe. After making cameos in Super Smash Bros. 4 as a downloadable trophy and Mii Costume, Inkling transitioned into a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
6:17 【Splatoon动画】黑鱿鱼的复仇 part2 一般通过芬达 1777 43:19 【油管】Slenderbeats-Inkling 佑树yuki 42 --1:52 【Splatoon动画】如果英雄模式是18+ 一般通过芬达 2.6万 34142:1 Invisible Inkling - Emily Jenkins Elio-Eliot 92 --6:16 【Splatoon动画】我也想变得鱿型! 一般通过芬达 2235 21...
Universo Splatoon Personajes: Inkling (SSBU) Otros personajes: Ayudantes: Calamarciñas Escenarios: SSBU: Torres Merluza Otros: SSBU: Trofeos - CancionesCategorías El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo CC-BY-SA a menos que se indique lo contrario. Aún no hay comentarios ¡Sé...
I was watching my son play his favorite Wii U game, Splatoon, and I thought it would be cool to do a splatter type theme. So I took to the web to see if anyone else has done it and I couldn't find anything. JP Modified did a small splatter effect on his latest In WIn X-...
Like in the ''Splatoon'' games, the ink's color corresponds to that of the Inkling. Due to being unable to swim at all in their home games, Inklings receive minor damage while swimming in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate''; this trait is shared with [[Sonic|Sonic the Hedgehog]], [[...
Splatoon: Inkling Injection Emojis Stickers is free to use, get thousand of emojis stickers for free download at 转自YouTube 来源 原up:EliTE9 原标题:PDAFT Mod Remote Controller Inkling Fashion 2020年11月12日发布原文简介: Rin and Len sporting new fashion inspired by the inklings from Splatoon! Download the Inkling...
结局3 达成方式:全员依赖刻印并通关 结局4 达成方式:在打完所有特工之后会有五连胜挑战,打完就可以攻略女仆了。在和女仆相处完会出现结算界面,点击确认之后女仆会跳出来对话,无视掉直接点右上角的齿轮,这时候的女仆不在那里,点击纸条就能看到女仆在纸条上写了些什么。一直重复上述动作直到看到纸条上的字体变粉就说明...