You probably know that income tax in the United States is progressive, meaning not only do you pay more dollars in tax the more you earn, you also pay a higher percentage of your income. A flat tax as an income tax would take one percentage — say 10% for easy math examples — and ...
I am black of an African American decent. I am Chinese of a Korean decent. I am white, I am Canadian. These statements are common examples of how many people view their race and identity. Similar to the statements made in the novels, Obasan by Joy Kogawa and More by Austin Clarke. ...
One of Fricker’s best-known examples is the meanwhile famous case of Carmita Wood, an African-American single mother who was forced to leave her job at Cornell University due to sexual harassment at a time when such a term had not yet been coined. In addition to the discomfort, whose ...
Nonetheless, it is uncertain whether these egalitarian instincts can be fully satisfied in a delayed- return economy. There are no examples of egalitarian, delayed-return economies (Gellner, 1988) and inequality seems to be indefinitely sustainable - presumably because the injustice of social stratifica...
(as in DSM-5 PTSD criteria, MIES and PTED scale). There are several examples of Moral Injury in this case study, resulting in embitterment. He stated “In 2005 I was viciously attacked by a suspect at a commercial burglary who tried to imbed a kitchen knife in my femoral artery. I ...
So, in the face of a seemingly unfixable world, shoulder the burden with grace. Write stories that offer a glimpse of a world you yearn for. Write the happy endings that can’t exist in real life – recounting the triumphs over injustice, the victories for the downtrodden, and the rewards...
what you have is recipe for invincibility. Read tweets from the hashtag#CrimingWhileWhitefor more examples on how breaking the law when you’re white might actually get you escorted home by a cop who wants to make sure you’re safe. But when you’re Black, you might end up dead and ...
She does this by putting everyday examples of prejudice under a microscope, as well acts of discrimination and violence – both physical and emotional – in an almost documentary-style manner. An incredible blend of styles that will leave you pondering. White Fragility: Why It's So Hard For ...
On the other hand, abnormal activity in the amygdala can lead to calculated and emotionless crimes – like stalking someone for weeks as part of a plot to murder them and steal their jewelry.Just these two examples show that the brain has a powerful hold on our behavior. Add to this the...
There are plenty of examples. In Alberta, oil sands development has encroached on two dozen Indigenous communities—home to about 23,000 people—since extraction began in the 1960s. In Ontario, more than 60 refineries and chemical plants have surrounded Aamjiwnaang First Nation since the 194...