Use our vast resource library to answer your questions, take the confusion out of the claim process, and empower you in the next steps toward full recovery. We have in-depth information all of the different types of personal injury cases that we handle. Everything from dog bite claims, to...
At Pyfer Reese Straub Gray & Farhat PC, we recognize the importance of securing full and fair compensation for your dog bite injuries. We understand that pursuing a claim can be particularly sensitive, especially when you have a relationship with the dog owner, which may have led to your prox...
As long as the person injured was lawfully present on the property (including mail carriers and delivery persons) and as long as the injured person was not provoking or antagonizing the dog, the owner has no defenses, whatsoever. Don’t Wait To File Your Claim When filing a claim due to...
Victims of dog attacks and bites have the right to recover damages from the owner. Call the dog bite attorneys at Mazow | McCullough, PC to represent you.
Defenses against dog bite claims may include provocation, trespassing, assumption of risk, or the dog’s role as a police or military animal. Statute of Limitations In Texas, victims have two years from the date of the dog bite to file a claim. Failure to do so within this timeframe may...
Begin researching experienced dog bite lawyers, and contact one as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when you are filing a claim for a dog attack. If you are seeking treatment for dog attack injuries, state law dictates you must file a claim within two years of the attack. This ...
DC Dog Bite Lawyers, Victims of dog bites find an attorney that specializes in the law area of dog attacks in DC.
How Much Does Insurance Pay for a Dog Bite? Category: Dog Bite Injuries caused by pets are covered by most homeowners insurance and renters insurance policies. The insurance company may offer to settle your claim if you have been bitten by a dog belonging to somebody else. The settlement of...
Louisiana Dog Bite Lawyers, Victims of dog bites find an attorney that specializes in the law area of dog attacks in Louisiana.
Maine Dog Bite Lawyers, Victims of dog bites find an attorney that specializes in the law area of dog attacks in Maine.