The same thing can happen if one spouse has defaulted on a federal student loan for which only that spouse is responsible for repayment, and the couple's refund is seized as a result. Form 8379 essentially asks the IRS to release the injured spouse's portion of the refund. TurboTax Ti...
Once you file a Form 8379, the IRS will review it to determine whether you are eligible for injured spouse relief and, if so, how much. It takes the IRS about 14 weeks to process an injured spouse form if you file a paper version with a joint return and 11 weeks if you file it e...
Killer IRS Injured Spouse Relief Form 8379Joe Mastriano, CPA
CompleteIRS Form 8379, the "Injured Spouse Allocation," explaining why you think you qualify for an injured spouse claim and submit it with your Form 1040 tax return. Write "Injured Spouse" in the top left corner of the first page of the return as an alert to the IRS when it's process...