locking magnet 锁定磁铁 locking pawl 制动爪 locking profile 锁住侧面 相似单词 locking n.锁舞,街舞的一种 adj. [英方](母鸡)伏窝孵卵的 v. 关闭锁闭[定] 堵塞连接制动联轴同步捕捉 injection n. 1.[C,U]注射(+into) 2.[C]注射剂,注射液 3.[U](人造卫星等的)射入轨道 4.[C,U]引入;投入...
他们通过将不同种子频率的光子注入激光腔来改变频率进而观察诸如光子的状态,最终居然达到了60%的信息窃取成功率! 这是一种被称为注入锁定(injection locking)的方式,注入光子,共振继而取得编码!看起来需要比较高的环境,比如纠缠光子制取和接收阶段?分发途径似乎并无类似环境,当然现在看来并无更多的信息!不过仅仅如此的...
injection locking 英文injection locking 中文【电】 注入锁定
注入锁定(injection locking) 定义: 通过将光注入到特定频率工作的激光谐振腔中来提高激光器的性能,注入光频率与激光频率相等。 注入锁定技术主要应用到单频连续波激光器中,当需要将高输出功率与低强度噪声和相位噪声同时满足时。仅仅是低噪声,或者单频工作在高功率激光器都很难实现,因为激光器易于受到机械振动的影响,...
网络释义 1. 注频同步技术 在线英语词... ... 注入电射二极体: Injection laser diode 注频同步技术: injection locking technique 主轴马达: spindle motor ... www.dictall.com|基于23个网页 例句 释义: 全部,注频同步技术 更多例句筛选 1. The injection locking technique is a effective method to obtai...
INJECTION-LOCKING A SLAVE OSCILLATOR TO A MASTER OSCILLATOR WITH NO FREQUENCY OVERSHOOTAn injection-locked oscillator circuit includes a master oscillator, a slave oscillator, and an injection lock control circuit. The slave oscillator is decoupled from the master oscillator (for example, due to an ...
什么是injection locking https://ocw.snu.ac.kr/sites/default/files/NOTE/Lec%204%20-%20Injection%20Locked%20Oscillators.pdf
详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: This paper reports that the frequency responses of a direct-modulated DFB laser diode can be improved using an injection locking method. 中文: 摘要验证了通过注入锁模方法,分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器的频率响应可以得到明显的改善。更详细... ...
39, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2004 1415 A Study of Injection Locking and Pulling in Oscillators Behzad Razavi, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Injection locking characteristics of oscillators are derived and a graphical analysis is presented that describes injection pulling in time and frequency domains. An identity ...
英文: Clamps are to be numbered, indicating locking sequence.中文: 钳要被编号,指示上锁的次序。英文: He was to blame for not locking the door.中文: 没有锁门是他的过错。英文: Stabilize your own position by locking up your savings.中文: 锁住积蓄以稳固自己的位置。