Linux系统启动时使用initramfs (initram file system), initramfs可以在启动早期提供一个用户态环境,借助它...
Linux kernel - Error in updating initramfs in ubuntu 20.04, Upon exit from the initramfs prompt it suggests the issue to be the modules not being loaded. Also, note the output I attached above, the update-initramfs command was not successful. So, I think that the reason the kernel not boo...
Wheninitramfs(theinitial ramdisk filesystemused to boot intoUbuntu) is updated, whether it be during an official upgrade or through some manual tinkering, the last thing you want to happen is get an error message. More often than not, when you reboot, you won’t be able to get to your...
您好,请教一个问题 我对wsl里的ubuntu的磁盘: C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu22.04LTS_79... --包子馒头 4. Re:mysql突然断电,无法启动问题, redo log 无法恢复 mysqld启动不了 Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error 找到redo log 删除或是备份 再重启尝试修复 如果是...
ubuntu 下的文件系统initramfs解压缩 系统: ubuntu 16.04 解压镜像:/boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-107-generic 需要额外安装的工具:sudo apt-get install binwalk -y 使用lsinitramfs工具查看initramfs的具体文件 lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-107-generic...
ubuntu vs linux systemd或init systemctl 过时了,仅用于兼容 initctl upstart reboot vs resume(貌似指 sleep或hibernate后 restore) 问题缘起 apt install glacnce #装的应该是这个东西吧 apt remove glance apt autoremove 出现这:(涉及系统开机之类的,谨慎为上,所以了解清楚) I: 表示InformationE: ErrorW: sda...
sudo make modules_install initramfs太大 sudo apt install mlocate,0.小建议Ubuntu16.04。因为MySQL对于Ubuntu18.04不是很适配,会出现终端MySQL无法输入中文等问题。如果用Ubuntu18.04,会需要多解决很多细节问题。建议将软件源设为中国服务器,比如aliyun(阿里云)或h
installed linux-firmware package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.130ubuntu3.9) ... update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.19.13-041913-generic E: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ntfs_3g failed with return 1. ...
Arrived here, I can either just reboot the PC and return to the GRUB Menu where I can choose the Ubuntu Normal Kernel 5.15.0-48-generice and Ubuntu starts normally; or choose the New Kernel Surface but with the "initramfs" error. This is the picture error: What can I do at this poi...