当遇到“update-initramfs: command not found”的错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认命令拼写正确: 首先,确保输入的命令update-initramfs没有拼写错误。 检查系统环境: update-initramfs命令是基于Debian及其衍生版(如Ubuntu)的一个命令,用于更新initramfs镜像。因此,需要确认你的操作系统类型和版本。如果你使用...
错误代码 127表示命令未找到(command not found)。 initramfs-tools的plymouth钩子脚本在更新initramfs镜像时,需要调用fc-cache命令。 尽管fontconfig软件包已安装,但fc-cache命令缺失,可能是由于软件包损坏、文件系统问题或磁盘空间不足导致的。 排查步骤 步骤1:更新软件包列表 首先,更新您的软件包列表以确保获取最新的软...
This package contains tools to create a bootable initramfs for Linux kernel packages. The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive. At boot time, the kernel unpacks that archive into RAM, mounts and uses it as initial root file system. The mounting of the real root file system occurs in early...
centos7中运行ifconfig提示“-bash: ifconfig: command not found”解决方案 2019-12-12 14:15 −linux系统查看ip地址常用命令是【ifconfig】, CentOS 7.0最小安装是没有ifconfig命令怎么办? 1.用【ip addr】查看; 2.就是安装ifconfig命令 1、输入【yum search ifconfig】命令,查看ifconfig所属命令包是net...
When LVM is used for the root filesystem and the LVM module is missing from the initramfs, then dracut will fail to find the LV(s) specified on the grub kernel command line and LVM commands from the dracut prompt will fail: Raw dracut:/# lvm pvs sh: lvm: command not found dracut:/...
fsck/dev/sda1-y 第二步:当出现FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED这个的时候,就表示已经成功了,然后输入reboot重启。 注意:这次问题出现原因:虚拟机里给ubuntu关机以后,windows电脑强制关机造成,建议每次下班以后都完全正常关机再离开。平时多注意备份和及时拍摄快照。
When testing with the QEMU board, Linux seems to be unable to find the initramfs passed via INITRD=in the make command, only seeming to work when the initramfs is compiled into the kernel via CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE. For instance, when building the QEMU board with Linux 4.14.62 and the fo...
dracut: dracut module 'biosdevname' will not be installed, because command 'biosdevname' could not be found! dracut: dracut module 'memstrack' will not be installed, because command 'memstrack' could not be found! dracut: memstrack is not available ...
Linux系统启动时使用initramfs (initram file system), initramfs可以在启动早期提供一个用户态环境,借助它...
Upon exit from the initramfs prompt it suggests the issue to be the modules not being loaded. Also, note the output I attached above, the update-initramfs command was not successful. So, I think that the reason the kernel not booting up is the failure of update-initramfs. Not sure though...