调用InitUserAntiDDosInfo接口创建高防OSS实例。 注意事项 阿里云账号默认拥有创建高防OSS实例的权限。如果您希望通过RAM用户或者STS的方式创建高防OSS实例,您必须拥有oss:InitUserAntiDDosInfo权限。具体操作,请参见为RAM用户授权自定义的权限策略。 请求语法 PUT /?antiDDos HTTP/1.1 Date: GMT Date Host: oss-cn-ha...
包路径:com.aliyun.oss.OSSClient类名称:OSSClient方法名:<init> OSSClient.<init>介绍 [英]Uses the specified CredentialsProvider and OSS Endpoint to create a new OSSClient instance.[中]使用指定的CredentialsProvider和OSS端点创建新的OSSClient实例。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: linlinjava/litemall /** ...
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/lib && internal/gen-static-assets/gen-static -i assets.json -b "https://partying.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com"; rm assets.json; - name: Checkout Assets run: | cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/lib; git config user.name github-actions; git config user.email github-actions@...
However, you can avoid the overhead associated with multiple calls to the ossinit() function by simply creating a duplicate copy of an existing ossGlobal structure for each thread. For more information, see the ossDupWorld() function description. However, you still have to call the oss...
This is a module designed to be consumed with npm init @npmcli/oss. It creates a package.json containing some default fields for the npm CLI team. Usage > mkdir foo > cd foo > npm init @npmcli/oss package.json The default package.json is defined in lib/defaults.js and looks like...
ossinitruro of transparent aluminium and process for its productionEDWARD A. MAGUIRELEONARD E. DOLHERTRICHARD L. GENTILMAN
at exports.checkBucketName (/root/blog/node_modules/ali-oss/lib/common/utils/checkBucketName.js:7:15) at module.exports (/root/blog/node_modules/ali-oss/lib/common/client/initOptions.js:33:5) at Function.initOptions (/root/blog/node_modules/ali-oss/lib/client.js:59:10) ...
/** create sequencer client for OSS sequencer*/int __initsnd_seq_oss_create_client(void){int rc;snd_seq_client_callback_t callback;snd_seq_client_info_t info;snd_seq_port_info_t port;snd_seq_port_callback_t port_callback;/* create ALSA client */...
方法名:<init> OSSClient.<init>介绍 [英]Uses the specified CredentialsProvider and OSS Endpoint to create a new OSSClient instance.[中]使用指定的CredentialsProvider和OSS端点创建新的OSSClient实例。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: linlinjava/litemall /** * 获取阿里云OSS客户端对象 * * @return oss...