I'm having some difficulty trying to get BibTeX to show an Author's surname followed by multiple initials in my bibliography. I have quite a large bibliography and I have several authors, including myself, that have very common first names and surnames (e.g. Smith, C.). The only way ...
EndNote treats them as different authors. To amend this, you need to edit the references in EndNote so the authors name appears the same in each record. In your EndNote Library perform a quick search for the authors surname to identify all references which include that author. Open each re ...
Initials arethe capital letters which begin each word of a name. For example, if your full name is Michael Dennis Stocks, your initials will be M. ... a silver Porsche car with her initials JB on the side. What is initial name and surname? Thefirst name is the name given at birth(...
分享14赞 黑夜传说吧 盲盒🌐世界 Chapter ThreeThe brands upon their arms bore the initials of one of the three vampire Elders; Marcus and Amelia had embraced with enthusiasm Viktor's idea of turning the lycans into slaves, so that each of them now claimed equal... 分享104赞 华尔街英语吧 ...