步驟1. 同時按住Windows+R打開執行對話框,輸入diskpart,點擊確定。步驟2. 如果想將磁碟初始化為MBR/GPT格式,請輸入下方命令行並在每個命令結束後按Enter。list disk > select disk # > convert MBR/GPT步驟3. 如果想在MBR磁碟上創建主分區,請執行下列命令。
Step2. Choose MBR or GPT for your disk. Or you may leave it by default. Note: Disk over 2TB needs GPT. Step3. Click "Apply Changes" button. For Windows 11/10/8/7 =>Download Partition Resizer Free[100% Free] For Windows Server 2025-2003 =>Download Partition Resizer Server[Free Demo...
Specifies the disk number of the disk to initialize. 展开表 Type: UInt32[] Position: 0 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False-PartitionStyleSpecifies the type of the partition. The acceptable values for this parameter are: MBR or GPT...
Windows automatically uses the appropriate disk type.To convert a disk from MBR to GPT or vice versa, you first have to delete all volumes from the disk, which erases everything on the disk. For more information, see Convert an MBR disk into a GPT disk, or Convert a GPT disk into an...
According to your needs, you can freely initialize the hard disk as MBR or GPT. And during the initialization process, you don't need to enter any commands, so with this tool, you can safely initialize the hard disk without any data loss. Download it to try.Free Download Windows 11/...
Step 1, Run Partition Expert, in the disk map, you can see the new disk, titled with Uninitialized, Right-click on this disk. select Initialize Step 2, In the popup windows, choose MBR or GPT Step 3, commit this operation Convert MBR to GPT Without Data Loss ...
Choose MBR or GPT for the disk. If you do not know which one to choose, just leave it default setting.Step2. Confirm to initialize the disk and click "Apply Changes" button. Tips:Initialize a disk would erase data. Therefore, if any disk shows uninitialized due to virus infection or ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于初始化磁盘选mbr gpt的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及初始化磁盘选mbr gpt问答内容。更多初始化磁盘选mbr gpt相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
For partition styles, you have two options on Windows computers. Most PCs use the GUID Partition Table (GPT) disk type for hard drives and SSDs. It's more robust and allows for volumes bigger than 2 TB. Master Boot Record (MBR) is used by 32-bit PCs, older PCs, and removable drives...
SSD to eitherMBR or GPTpartition style according to your actual needs. It is worth mentioning that you had better initialize SSD to GPT if the disk capacity islarger than 2 TB. But you should also aware that the GPT partition style is not recognized by all previous versions of Windows. ...