A string literal like _T("C:\AAA") should not be modified, so it should be considered const, i.e. const TCHAR*, i.e. LPCTSTR. The OP might have better help if he gives more context. Maybe he wants a TCHAR array that can be modified? Or is a const TCHAR*/LPCTSTR just what ...
DATETIME_ADD_MACRO(d, "max", max); Member vstinner commented May 7, 2024 With a debug build, I confirm that an assertion fails at the first PyDict_SetItemString() call on PyDateTime_DeltaType.tp_dict, on the second _datetime_exec() call. PyObject *d = PyDateTime_DeltaType.tp_...
that the speech engine returns by setting theMaxAlternatesproperty. You can also query the settings of a speech recognition engine that affect recognition, such as confidence thresholds, using theQueryRecognizerSetting(String)method and modify those settings with one of theUpdateRecognizerSetting()...
Функция NdisInitializeString Макрос NdisInitUnicodeString Макрос NdisInterlockedAddLargeStatistic Макрос NdisInterlockedAddUlong Макрос NdisInterlockedDecrement Макрос NdisInterlockedIncrement Макрос NdisInterlockedInsertHeadList Макрос NdisInterlockedIns...
token expires. encoding: the method that is used to encode the request parameter string. Default value: utf8. socket_timeout: the timeout period in seconds for each socket connection in the connection pool. The value can be an integer or a floating-point number. Default value: 50. ...
misos1commentedJul 9, 2024• edited Steps to reproduce run code samples in debug and release Expected results Unhandled exception or printed text "initialized" if it thinks empty string is valid video file. Actual results All these tests results below were done in debug. What is even worse ...
byungheesohn,the times you mentioned: around 380ms for Web Teams in Chrome and 130ms for Desktop Teams, are within a reasonable range, but there are ways to optimize and potentially reduce this delay. Using URL placeholders can be a more efficient way to access context i...
NdisFreeString macro NdisFreeTimerObject function NdisFreeToNPagedLookasideList macro NdisFRegisterFilterDriver function NdisFRestartComplete function NdisFRestartFilter function NdisFReturnNetBufferLists function NdisFSendNetBufferLists function NdisFSendNetBufferListsComplete function NdisFSetAttributes function...
Field name Data type Max length Default Value Description state String 128 the value of transactionId Optional. An identifier that is used to recover the customer's context. You can set this field to any String value. The value is then passed as a parameter when the ZOLOZ SDK calls back ...