ocidll forced to load library,initialization error could not initialize make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client installed 是因为你使用pl/sql是64位的,但是软件只找到了32位的oracle 客户端 多次尝试,我的pl/sql是64位,但是这里需要对应的使用64位,我的方案是下载 https://www.allroundautomations.com...
在 x64 的 Win7 上重新安装了 Oralce 后,通过 PL/SQL 连接数据库时,提示如下错误信息 环境 windows7 64bit Oracle win64 11gR2 PL/SQL v9.0 详细错误信息 [plain] view plaincopy Initialization error Could not initialize "C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll"Make sure y...
64位win7上装PL/SQL,出现“Could not load "……\bin\oci.dll"”这个错误,查了一下资料,原因是PL/SQL只对32位OS进行支持,解决方法是额外加载一个oci.dll文件,操作如下: 步骤1: 到以下地址下载包含oci.dll文件包“instantclient-basic-win32-",将该文件解压到“C:\Program Files\”下 http://www...
Could not initialize "C:\oracle\test\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll"Make sure you have...
Oracle AutoVue 2D Professional - Version 21.0.2 and later: AutoVue Client Error: " Initialization failed. Could not initialize socket on localhost:5099 nested except
This issue is also described on stackoverflow:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77759311/vuforia-engine-failed-to-initialize-on-android-in-unity-app The post there is not mine, but I have the exact same problem. Expected result I expect the app to run succesfully, without this configuration ...
ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED 1619 Database could not be opened ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID 1620 Incompatible database ERROR_INSTALL_UI_FAILURE 1621 Could not initialize handler interface ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE 1622 Could not open log file in requested mode ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED ...