(为1的话,AMF判断注册成功后会下发InitialUeContextSetupRequest封装REGISTRATION ACCEPT请求建立UE上下文,否则下发DOWNLINK NAS TRANSPORT封装REGISTRATION ACCEPT,然后在会话流程中再建立UE上下文) 其他:5G-S-TMSI,AMF Set ID,Allowed NSSAI 都是可选项,基本上看不到。
initial context setup request pdu session InitialContextSetupRequest(ICSR)isamessagesentbytheUserEquipment(UE)tothe5GCorenetworktorequesttheestablishmentofaPDUSession,whichisalogicalconnectionbetweentheUEandthedatanetwork.TheICSRmessagecontainsinformationsuchastheQoSrequirements,therequestedPDUSessionID,thesupportedPDU...
5G初始注册场景下,AMF发送给gNB的Initial Context Setup Request消息中不包含如下哪个信元 A. GUAMI B. Allowed NSSAI C. Security Key D. Configured NSSAI 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 > 下载刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 ...
7.5G初始注册场景下,AMF发送给gNB的Initial Context Setup Request消息中不包含如下哪个信元 A、A.GUAMI B、B.Allowed NSSAI C、C.Security Key D、D.Configured NSSAI 查看答案
Actually it doesn't make any sense security mode failure without security mode command message. As I said wireshark can't decode rrcContainer in ue context setup request but its security mode command message. Your developer should investigate again with this info. acetcom added a commit that ...
neither the internet apn nor the ims apn have the QCI 0 requirement. Then the enb sent the mme the "initial context setup failure, radio network cause=unspecified" message, after the "initial context setup request, attach accept" message it got from the mme. To get rid of the QCI 0 pro...
在5G NSA协A议Attach流程信源变化中,Create Session Request消息和Intial context setup request消息的区别是()。 A.Create Session Request代表核心侧承载建立,Inital context setup request代表无线则坛教建立 B.Create Session Request代表无线侧承载建立,Initial context setup request代表核心侧承载建iCreate Session ...
A、Identity Request B、initialUE context setup C、DL NAS transfer D、Attach complete 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [选择题] 39 The sales representative suggested aninitialmeeting to discuss the proposal as soon as the betaproduct is ready, ( ) that might be. ...
在5GNR网络中终端在初始接入过程中,基站向核心网发的第一条信息是()。 A.InitialUEMessage B.UplinkNASTransfer C.UECapabilityInformation D.RRCSetupComplete 点击查看答案 第5题 SA组网下NR的QoSflow配置信息可能包含在哪些消息中() A.InitialUEMessage B.UEContextRequest C.PDUSessionResourceSetupRequest D.I...
5G初始注册场景下,AMF发送给gNB的Initial Context Setup Request消息中不包含如下哪个信元 A. GUAMI B. Allowed NSSAI C. Security Key D. Configured NSSAI 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 > 下载刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 ...