Br Phycol J 19, 281-286.STULP B.K., STAM W.T.: Growth and morphology of Anabaena strains (Cyanophyceae, Cyanobacteria) in cultures under different sali- nities. Brit.Phycol.J. 19, 281-286 (1984).Stulp, B. K., Stam, W. T. (1984 b): Growth and morphology of Anabaena strains...
19: pp. 281-286Stulp, B. K. & W. T. Stam, 1984b. Growth and morphology of Anabaena strains (Cyanophyceae, Cyanobacteria) in cul- tures under different salinities. British Phycological Journal 19: 281-286.STULP, B. K. & STAM, W. T. (1984b): Growth and morphology of Anabaena...