WordPress lookup for wp_tiny_mce_init, a WordPress Action Hook. wpseek.com is a WordPress-centric search tool for developers and theme authors.
Interactive appliance configuration is delayed until the first time the user logs in as root. This is accomplished with the help of the /usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/29preseed hook, which only exists on headless builds: #!/bin/bash -e # generic preseeding of inithooks.conf if it doesn...
WordPress lookup for tiny_mce_before_init, a WordPress Filter Hook. wpseek.com is a WordPress-centric search tool for developers and theme authors.
..and including it directly like so in the plugin core file: PHP functionusp_pro_init(){$USP_Pro=newUSP_Pro; }add_action('init','usp_pro_init',1);require_once(sprintf("%s/inc/usp-widget.php",dirname(__FILE__))); ..such that the widget class is includedafter the init hook, i...
() #2 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): p_load_plugin_textdomain() #3 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /wp-settings.php(559): do_action() #6 /wp-config.php(191): require_once('...
* Calls from the hook "woocommerce_update_options_" {tab_name} * * @param none * @return void */ public static function update_faspay_settings() { woocommerce_update_options(self::faspay_settings_fields()); } } Faspay_Settings::init();69...
LOCAL_IN LOCAL_OUT | ^ | | v | LOCAL PROCESS NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING:数据包一进入协议栈即触发,在进行任何路由判断之前 NF_IP_LOCAL_IN:经过路由判断,如果数据包目的是本机,将触发该hook NF_IP_FORWARD:经过路由判断,如果数据包目的是其他主机,将触发该hook转发 ...
Cloud boothook Begins with#cloud-boothookorContent-Type: text/cloud-boothook. This content is boothook data. It is stored in a file under/var/lib/cloudand then runs immediately. This is the earliesthookavailable. There is no mechanism provided for running it only one time. The boothook mu...
解决办法:将不需要刷新的数据放在onLoad中执行,将需要刷新的数据放在onShow中执行! 感谢:感谢editplu...
Being a work of fiction, after that preface, I cannot stand by any of the other statements or claims in the book. Instead, Justice might more reveal what a person in that dark, dark, dark tunnel would feel or believe as they tragically fail to make use of that one light. Nonetheless,...