Ansible role to set up (the latest or a specific version of) supervisor in Debian-like systems ansibledebianubuntusupervisordinitxml-rpcinit-systemxmlrpc-server UpdatedNov 2, 2023 Jinja Linux Standard Base compliant SysVinit script for nginx. ...
awk [-F|-f|-v] ‘BEGIN{}//{command1; command2} END{}’ file[-F|-f|-v] 大参数,-F指定分隔符,-f调用脚本,-v定义变量var=value' '引用代码块 BEGIN 初始化代码块,在对每一行进行处理之前,初始化代码,主要是引用全局变量,设置FS分隔符// 匹配代码块,可以是字符串或正则表达式{} 命令代码块,包...
update-rc.d apache2 start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 80 0 1 6 . apache2为可执行程序的名称,start 20 2 3 4 5表示该服务在进入runlevel 2 3 4 5时需要执行,并在第20个启动。此时,update.rc将在runlevel 2 3 4 5中分别映射一个指向/etc/init.d/apache2的符号链接,名称均为S20apache2。stop 80 0...
sudo apt-get install -y ./cloud-init_23.2.2-5_all.deb (Optional) To prevent the Alibaba Cloud cloud-init package from being automatically updated or upgraded to a more recent open source version, we recommend that you run the following command to hold the package at the current version: ...
LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, "recovery"); return 0; } } else { svc->time_crashed = now; svc->nr_crashed = 1; } } svc->flags |= SVC_RESTARTING; /* Execute all onrestart commands for this service. */ //设置标志为svc_RESTARTING,然后执行该service onrestart中的COMMAND ...
By still using dumb-init as the entrypoint, you always have a proper init system in place. Theexecportion of the bash command is important because itreplaces the bash processwith your server, so that the shell only exists momentarily at start. ...
init进程是Linux系统中用户空间的第一个进程,进程号固定为1。Kernel启动后,在用户空间启动init进程,并调用init中的main()方法执行init进程的职责。对于init进程的功能分为4部分: 1.解析并运行所有的init.rc相关文件 2.根据rc文件,生成相应的设备驱动节点 ...
trigger_shutdown = [](conststd::string& command) { shutdown_state.TriggerShutdown(command); }; //把标准输入、标准输出和标准错误重定向到空设备文件“/dev/null" SetStdioToDevNull(argv); #ifdef MTK_LOG #ifndef MTK_LOG_DISABLERATELIMIT ...
(2-2)Command总结 1、bootchart [start|stop] 2、chmod <octal-mode> <path> 3、chown <owner> <group> <path> 4、class_start <serviceclass> 5、class_start_post_data <serviceclass> 6、class_stop <serviceclass> 7、class_reset <serviceclass> 8、class_reset_post_data <serviceclass> 9、class...
[CONSOLE_NAME_SIZE]; char *id, *runlev, *action, *command, *eol; const struct init_action_type *a = actions; /*打开配置文件*/ /*inittab格式 <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process> id => /dev/id,用作中断:stdin,stdout,stderr:printf,scanf,err runlevels:忽略 <action>: Valid ...