init0VSshutdownyg0i0Unix系统-电脑资料 [这个贴子最后由bear在2002/03/2607:25pm编辑] 请问SOLARIS中如何关机,我在运行SHU TD OWN后怎么关不掉呀? 阿骁 回复于:2002-03-24 18:07:29 你可以使用命令:init5或shutdown-i5now fancy 回复于:2002-03-24 20:40:43 init5不太 安全 ,在有些SUN的机器 [...
Re: init 0 VS shutdown Hi June,Not sure how much more justification can i give more than what the man pages tell us but anyway.init 0 - shuts down the machineshutdown - without any options takes the machine to a single user mode, -r option reboots the machine, -h option halts ...
is being shutdown, and there is no delay. The shutdown command is a script that invokes init to shutdown, poweroff, or reboot the system. It does execute the rc0 kill scripts to shutdown processes and applications gracefully. Unlike the init command, the shutdown command does the following...
解决办法:进入单用户模式,修改/etc/rc.d/rc.local文件,然后重新启动linux(shutdown -r now)。 说明:GNU... liunx系统下的rc.local文件和init.d目录 /etc/rc.local文件 linux会在开机之后自动source执行/etc/rc.local文件,文件内的每一条命令都可以自动执行完毕,一直执行到:exit 0 这句命令,而且是必须执行到...
注意:代码中使用了线程池。那么最终一定要shutdown。否则进程不会结束。因为线程池是由一个精灵线程管理的,即使所有的线程都结束了,精灵线程也会用就运行下去。 Executor:顶级接口 Executors:线程池工具类,定义了若干静态方法,快速创建线程池对象。 ExecutorService:常用接口,代表线程池 ...
SDL_RegisterApp(NULL, 0, NULL); /* Initialize all variables that we clean on shutdown */ device = (SDL_VideoDevice *) SDL_calloc(1,sizeof(SDL_VideoDevice)); if (device) { data = (struct SDL_VideoData *) SDL_calloc(1,sizeof(SDL_VideoData)); ...
GdiplusShutdown 函数清理 Windows GDI+ 使用的资源。 每次调用 GdiplusStartup 都应与对 GdiplusShutdown 的调用配对。语法C++ 复制 void GdiplusShutdown( ULONG_PTR token ); parameterstoken类型:[in] ULONG_PTR以前调用 GdiplusStartup 返回的令牌。返回...
int i = 0; int initialized = 0; int tried_to_init = 0; if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)) { SDL_AudioQuit(); /* shutdown driver if already running. */ } SDL_memset(¤t_audio, '\0', sizeof(current_audio)); SDL_memset(open_devices, '\0', sizeof(open_devices)); ...
在jersey client 中,有两个基本的shutdown Runtime级别,每次request 都要生成新的ClientRuntime对象。如果用完了不销毁,会越积越多。 Client 级别,Client shutdown 之后,如何销毁所有需要处理的对象。 这两个基本的shutdown都会用到ManagedObjectsFinalizer。具体是如何处理的,在下面会详细介绍。
l_stream.shutdown(l_ec); if (l_ec) std::cout << fmt::format("{}", l_ec.what()) << std::endl; } std::ofstream{cmdl("out").str()} << l_json.dump(2) << std::endl; return 0; } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << fmt::format("{}", e.what()) << st...