Allah has installed in us three basic needs. First of all, there is the need for food and drink, the need for mating, and the need for safety. If it were not for these three necessities, you might see the surface of the earth void of everything. Because you urgently need food and ...
Time was the topic of the previous lecture as one of the constituents of the Divine Assignment. I repeat what I said then: Man is assigned to worship his Lord, and worshiping is a voluntary obedience, which is mixed with heartedly love, that is based on certainty, and it ...
so the Quran is the method like a very expensive machine that is very useful and complicated yet the company you ordered it from forgot to send you the instructions manual without which you will break it down if you used it, but at the same time...
So the gist of miracles in Quran is that you read a noble ayah, and suddenly a latest scientific breakthrough, previously unknown, confirms it. Hence, the Creator of these worlds is the One Who descended Quran, Allah the Almighty says: “So I swear by Mawaqi (setting or the mansions, ...
climates and rains; while the Quranic signs are His Words. So if you want to know Him you should reflect on His Universe and observe the phenomena around you. Allah says: “Say: "Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth." ...