The Big Five personality traits are derived from SOEP’s short Big Five inventory (BFI-S), measuring each of the five traits with three items. Participants are asked to rate their agreement with statements starting with “I am …” on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agr...
Disorders of muscle can be inherited or acquired, acute or chronic, focal or generalised and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in human medical and veterinary patients [3,4]. Clinical signs of myopathies can be variable and include debilitating muscular weakness leading to paresis...
Cells were acquired on the Aurora cytometer (Cytek). Data were manually gated using FlowJo as previously described10,27 and then imported into R for further analysis. Cellular composition was visualized with uniform manifold approximation and projection based on the expression levels of CD3, CD4, ...
While significant progress has been made in understanding the numerous somatic mutations that can be acquired to give rise to the myeloid malignancies, a significant heritable component for these diseases exists7,53 yet remains incompletely defined and poorly understood. Family-based studies have identifi...
(AGM). HSPCs in the AGM are heterogeneous in differentiation and proliferative output, but how these intrinsic differences are acquired remains unanswered. Here we discovered that loss of microRNA (miR)-128 in zebrafish leads to an expansion of HSPCs in the AGM with different cell cycle states ...
7 Expansion, activation, and proliferation of CD4−CD8− double-negative (DN) T cells in inherited and acquired PD-1 deficiency. a and b, Effector DN αβ T cells. Previously published CyTOF data for peripheral lymph node-derived CD19−CD3ε+ T cells from adult PD-1-deficient and ...