Competitive seedlings and inherited traits: a test of rapid evolution of Elymus multisetus (big squirreltail) in response to cheatgrass invasion Widespread invasion by Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) in the Intermountain West has drastically altered native plant communities. We investigated whether Ely......
The grain was placed in large plant propagators to a depth of 2-3 cms and left in the CTH room for a period of two months prior to the experiments to equilibrate (Pixton and Warburton, 1968). All female insects used were virgin. The collec- tion of virgin S. oryzae is easy since ...
Our scientific and medical knowledge and, consequently, human and animal health and well-being have undoubtedly benefited from the use of animals in research. Yet understandably, particularly concerning the use of sentient animals such as mammals, this remains a controversial and emotive topic; as re...
InheritedandLearned Behaviors Traits(Behavior) Traitsaresomethinganorganismdoes. Examples: Abearhibernating Plantstemsgrowingupandrootsgrowingdown InstinctiveBehavior Aninstinctivebehaviorisabehaviorthatananimalinheritsfromitsparents. Theanimalisbornwiththebehavior. InheritedTraits Characteristicspasseddowntoanoffspringbyhi...
2007a, b). IGEs have been studied in both animal and plant populations, and in a number of those studies social interactions contributed substantially to heritable variation in the trait (reviewed by Ellen et al. 2014). Well-known cases of IGEs in domestic animals include cannibalistic behavior...
Discussion Genome-wide association studies combined with homozygosity mapping are powerful for mapping traits controlled by one gene. This strategy has been used successfully in both human and animal studies. In our studies, we have shown two successful cases of using high density SNP arrays for ...