Side Effects, INHConcise Info
Common side effects of isoniazid include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dry skin, fever, skin rashes and eruptions, swollen lymph nodes, reduced white blood cells (which increases the risk of infection), reduced platelets (which increases the risk of bleeding), high blood sugar levels, enlarge...
IsoniazidJaundiceElectron microscopyDegeneration of organelles in liver cellsAfter being treated with isonicotinic acid hydrazine (INH) for 3 months a 3-year-old Jordanian boy with phenylketonuria developed severe hepatocellular jaundice. In addition to INH the patient had received Primidone and Ospolot ...
This study examined the potential effects of INH side effects and non-specific somatic complaints on medication adherence in 96 Latino adolescents participating in a controlled trial designed to increase isoniazid (INH) adherence. These participants (who received usual medical care) were interviewed ...
DRUG side effectsDRUG standardsCAUSES of deathTuberculosis is a major cause of ill health, and one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. Treatment with multiple first-line drugs is the standard recommended treatment for drug-sensitive tuberculosis. Isoniazid (INH) is an important ...
Introduction Pakistan is a high tuberculosis (TB) burden country with the incidence of 275/100,000 population. Post-transplant tuberculosis was found to be 15% at our centre before Isoniazid (INH) prophylaxis. A randomized controlled trial of INH prophylaxis at our centre showed a s...
In 95 patients with active tuberculosis, we investigated in a prospective study the influence of the acetylator phenotype on the hepatotoxic side effects of the antituberculous regimen isoniazid (INH) 10 mg/kg, rifampicin (RMP) 10 mg/kg, and ethambutol (EMB) 25 mg/kg. Besides a much higher...
253 patients with different forms of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis received 15 mg/kg ethambutol + 10 mg/kg isoniazid daily as long-term treatment. The time lay of consolidation including negativation was: At the end of 2 years treatment sputum conversion was observed in 82/85 cases ...