Wang W,You R,Qin W,et al.Anti-tumor activities of active ingredients in Compound Kushen Injection[J].Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2015,36(6):676-679.Wang W, You RL, Qin WJ, Hai LN, Fang MJ, Huang GH, Kang RX, Li MH, Qiao YF, Li JW, et al: Anti‑tumor activities of ...
Cutting, crushing or mincing garlic releases th e healthy compoun d foun d in th e vegetable. But heating th e garlic or adding it to other ingredients prevents th e releas e of this healthy compound. So cut or crush or min c e th e garlic, an d let it rest by itself for a ...
6、Usage: It’s used as analytical reagent, meat preservative and also used in pharmacy. 7、Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in...
Depression is a severe mental disorder among public health issues. Researchers in the field of mental health and clinical psychiatrists have long been faced with difficulties in slow treatment cycles, high recurrence rates, and lagging efficacy. These ob
R&W Scott has announced that from 8th July 2024, it will be operating under an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). Under this new structure, all the company shares are acquired by the EOT for the benefit of its employees – allowing R&W Scott staff to participate in and influence the company...
AMINOMETHYL PROPANEDIOL: Blended with active compounds in skincare products to ensure they dissolve and absorb into skin properly. ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM EXTRACT: Commonly known as southernwood extract, this compound is rich in oligosaccharides (a type of sugar) that make the skin appear smoother. ... OPEN Discovery of Anti-inflammatory Ingredients in Chinese Herbal Formula Kouyanqing Granule based received: 25 June 2015 on Relevance Analysis betweenaccepted:06November2015 Published:10December2015 Chemical Characters and Biological Effects Hong Liu1,*,Yan-fang Zheng...
6、Usage:In food industry, it is used as swelling agent ,dough regulator ,buffering agent, modifier, firming agent ,nutritional supplement and chelating agent. 7、Packing:It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as outer layer. The net weight of eac...
Agavine, a bioactive compound from agave agro-industrial wastes, effectively functioned in juvenile Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stressed by high-density stress (63 kg/m3) for 20 days. Stressed fish fed with agavine presented low plasmatic cortisol and high levels of SOD and CAT, promoti...
还原高锰酸钾物质(以O计),w/% ≤ Reduction of Potassium Permanganate ,w/% ≤ 0.0032 1、Chemical Name: Ammonium Acetate 2、Molecular Formula: CH3COONH4 3、Molecular Weight: 77.08 4、CAS:631-61-8 5、Character: It occurs as white triangular crystal with acetic acid smell. It’s soluble in wat...