Reports on the warning issued by Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers in Nashville, Tennessee, regarding pseudoephedrine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter decongestants. Possible health effects; Recommendations for people with history of high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes in taking...
by Eric Peters,Virginia Commonwealth University (Medical Xpress)—Glyceryl guaiacolate ether (GGE), the active ingredient in many popular over-the-counter cold remedies, is unlikely to make it easier to cough up phlegm when delivered in the recommended dose, according to a Virginia Commonwealth Uni...
House approves restrictions on cold medicine; Key meth ingredient would only; be available from a pharmacistJosh Wright Staff writer
Delegate Requests Meth Ingredient Inquiry ; Perdue, D-Wayne, Wants to Know How Much Cold Medicine Is Diverted to Make Illicit DrugWest Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey won't tell theHouse of Delegates' health...Eyre, Eric
Proposed law would lock up cold medicine: Meth lab crisis causes lawmakers to consider clampdown on ingredientGEORGE GANNON
Lawsuit alleges Illinois infant died from cold medicine ingredient; mother suing 2 companiesMICHAEL TARM