IngramSpark has long been the leading alternative to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Print for print-on-demand books. This is especially true if you are not exclusive to Amazon. While this is not a comparison of IngramSpark to Amazon KDP print, most authors choose to use IngramSpark because ...
When you Publish on Demand®with IngramSpark, you get everything you need to successfully self-publish a book from one award-winning self-publishing company What You Need to Publish Your Own ISBN One for each format of your book. You can own your own ISBN or U.S. publishers can receive...
IngramSpark is an online self-publishing company that allows you to print, globally distribute, and manage your print and ebooks. Self-Publish Like a Pro
Don’t overprint. Pay for the printing costs of the exact number of books that you need. Print on demand is widely praised for its efficiency for authors. Access free resources on the IngramSpark website IngramSpark has an impressive number of free resources on their website, like guides to...
IngramSpark is one of few print-on-demand services that offers hardcover book printing in a variety of sizes, with or without a dust jacket.That being said, the perfect-bound trade paperback is the most commonly printed book in the self-publishing industry. Many readers prefer the ease of ...
Print-on-Demand (POD) technology is combined with long established retailer relationships to efficiently reach readers in their local markets. All you have to do is add pricing in the markets in which you’d like your book to be available for sale, and you’re ready to build your global ...
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