DESK/3500 series - EMV C'less Level 1 v.2.6 and DESK/5000 series - EMV C'less Level 1 v.2.6Products reach the end of their Life Cycle for a number of reasons. These reasons may be due to market demands, technology innovation and development driving changes in the product, or the ...
Desk/1600 TETRA Desk/1700 TETRA Desk/2600 TETRA Desk/3500 TETRA Desk/5000 TETRA Retail PIN Pad Helping you to reduce checkout times and improve customer engagement, in demanding retail environments. Robust, fast and effective lane & self-checkout Value-added services deployed via a user...
Ingenico All Ingenico products Countertop & PIN Pad countertop payment terminalAXIUM DX4000 BluetoothWiFi4G smart payment terminalDesk/1600 countertopcontactlessPIN pad countertop payment terminalDesk/1700 contactlessPIN padPCI PTS v6 countertop payment terminalDesk/2600...
Link/2500 LE series TETRA Move/2600 TETRA Move/3500 TETRA Move/5000 TETRA Countertop & PIN Pad Accept all payment methods, including Alternative Payment Methods, and enhance your customers’ user experience, with a comprehensive range of countertop terminals. Maximised network availability Easily...
Desk/5000 TETRA Lane/3600 TETRA Lane/5000 LE TETRA Lane/7000 & 8000 TETRA Leitores abertos TETRA Link/2500 Integration LE TETRA Link/2500 LE series TETRA Move/2600 TETRA Move/3500 TETRA Move/5000 TETRA Self All-in-one TETRA Self Modular TETRA Estate & Security Management O...
Link/2500 LE series TETRA Move/2600 TETRA Move/3500 TETRA Move/5000 TETRA Countertop & PIN Pad Accept all payment methods, including Alternative Payment Methods, and enhance your customers’ user experience, with a comprehensive range of countertop terminals. Maximised network availability Easily...