Inge Mennen, Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 193–284. Leiden/Boston, Brill 2011AntiquityAntiquityReviewed publication MennenInge Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 1932∞4. 2011 Brill Leiden/Boston € 103doi:10.1524/hzhz.2013.0329Sommer...
利用7.整数翻转的算法,将给定的int反转后的值与给定值进行比较,相同则为回文数。 //20 ms 5.3 MB bool isPalindrome(int x){ if (x < 0 ) { return false; } long back = 0; int temp = x; while (temp != 0) { back = temp % 10 + back * 10; temp = temp / 10; } if(back ==...
Zeitschrift Für Naturforschung BBoy I,Cordier G,Kniep R.Oligomeric tetrahedral anions in borophosphates: Six-membered rings with open and cyclic phosphate branchings in the crystal structure of K6 Cu2 [ B4 P8 O28 ( OH)6 ]. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Teil B . 1998...
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Inge Mennen, Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 193–284doi:10.7767/zrgra-2015-0149De GruyterZeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische AbteilungMartinSchermaier
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