ing式和to infinitive式的区别 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 155 作者: 黄金京 摘要: 本文将以当代语言大师Quirk和Leech的观点作为理论依据,采取比较的方法,从认知的角度研究ing式和to in-finitive式的区别,揭示两种形式的不同语义,以利于深入,系统地研究英语动词的非谓语形式.关键词:...
0 Does passive voice always involve a form of "to be" and a past participle? 3 Is to be + verb-ing passive voice? 0 Classifying the uses of to-infinitive and the -ing form 0 Infinitive vs Gerund (?) Hot Network Questions Explaining output of GPG --export/--export-private-key ke...
Heenjoyslisteningtoviolinmusic,playingmah-jong,swimmingandreading.object(宾语)Humansshouldthinkofwaysofchangingtheir habitssoastoprotecttheearth.动名词 object(介词宾语)Grammar TheV-ingfromasSubject&Object DifferentFormsofV-ing:vt/vi主动一般时(not)doing Vt被动(not)beingdone 完成时(not)havingdone(not)...
fill in the blanks with the infinitive or-ing form 11,she didn't know what___(say)at the meeting the day before yesterday 12,"stop___(talk),please.the film has begun." 13,can you tell me when you can finish___(read)these books? 14,I don't know whether she enjovs___(wear...
Notethatnon-finiteconstructiontraditionallyreferstoinfinitive,participle(present&past),andgerund.Inourcoursebook,thepresentparticipleandgerundarebothtreatedas“–ingparticiple”.Nowlet’sreviewthepassiveandperfectiveformof–ingparticiple.Thepassiveandperfectiveformof–ingparticiple perfective Activeformdoing havingdone P...
However, this problem cannot be solved by simply applying a binarism such as "potential ( to infinitive) vs. factual (- ing form)," which is partially true but may at times mislead and confuse learners. A semantic interaction approach, which views to infinitive, bare infinitive (base form)...
Dutch: -ing (nl) f, nominalization of the infinitive Faroese: -ing f Finnish: -minen, -nti Galician: -ando German: -ung (de) Greek: Use το να + second person singular present verb form Icelandic: -ing Interlingua: -ion, -mento, -ar, -er, -ir Japanese: (use a ...
v-ing 的用法 中专部 LLLLLLLLLLKLL V–ingform 中专部 LLLLLLLLLLKLL V-ingform分为现在分词和动名词两种情况。形式上一样,但用法功能不同。其构成方式为:中专部 LLLLLLLLLLKLL 动词变为v-ing的规则:1.一般在动词后加ing,如:work-workingstudy-studyingdo-doing 2.动词以不发音的e结尾,去掉e,加ing。
InfinitiveING form to diedying to lielying to tietying Many people aredyingfrom the virus. I know you arelyingto me. He istyinghis laces. Verbs with one syllable ending in consonant + vowel + consonant When a verb with one syllable ends inconsonant + vowel + consonant, we double (make...
V-ing vs. infinitive as Subject 1. _A__/ _B__ English is not so easy. __A___ English well this year is not so possible. (A. To learn/ B. Learning) 2.__B___ chess is fun.(A. To play/ B. playing) 1)作主语时,不定式与动名词一般可以通用。 2)表示一种普遍性的事情或一种...