a) to go b) going topic: GERUND or INFINITIVE? 4 ANSWERS: 1)b 2)a 3)a 4)b 5)a 6)a 7)a 8)b 9)a 10)a 不定式和动词-ing练习 askagreecarechoosedemanddecideexpectfailhelphopelearnmanageofferplanpreparepretendpromiserefusewantwish等只能用动词不定式作宾语口诀接不定式作宾语的动词想要学...
Verbs Followed By -ing Form or Infinitive 必修4 VerbsFollowed by objective Touseverbsfollowedby–ingformorinfinitivecorrectly 1.I’mjustsogladyoucanaffordtovisitmeandIrefusetoletyoupayforanythingwhileyouarehere!2.IthoughtI’dtellyouabitaboutwhatyoucanexpecttofind.3.ToavoidgettingconfusedabouttheBritish...
Assignments Intensive reading of lecture 21-22 Completion of relevant exercises Thank you for your attendance! Lecture 9 –ing and –ed participle Note that non-finite construction traditionally refers to infinitive, participle (present past), and gerund. In our course book, the present participle ...
Reading exercises Improve your reading skills: Go to reading exercises Listening exercises Improve your listening skills: Listening exercises Listening practice questions Go to listening exercises Video lessons Focus on specific areas of business English using ourvideo lessons: ...
1.One of the best exercises is swimming.游泳是最好的运动项目之一。2.What pleases him most is bathing in the sea.最使他高兴的事是在海中沐浴。3.The situation both at home and abroad is very in- spiring.国内外的形势都很鼓舞人心。4.The color is pleasing to the eye.颜色...
1. ___the house on fire, he dialed 119. A. To see B. Seeing C. Having seen D. Being seen 2. I fell down and broke two of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth___. A. fix B. fixing C. fixed D. to fix 3....
Gerund vs Infinitive ExercisesInfinitives An infinitive is a verb used as a noun. They can be used as a subject or an object of a sentence. It is made by adding "–to" to the beginning of a verb.After certain verbs: I want to find a job. After an object: I want you to help me...
Notethatnon-finiteconstructiontraditionallyreferstoinfinitive,participle(present&past),andgerund.Inourcoursebook,thepresentparticipleandgerundarebothtreatedas“–ingparticiple”.Nowlet’sreviewthepassiveandperfectiveformof–ingparticiple.Thepassiveandperfectiveformof–ingparticiple perfective Activeformdoing havingdone P...
Seeingisbelieving.Doingeyeexercisesisgoodforyourhealth.Beingcheatedisratherterrible.Notbeinginvitedmadehimunhappy.Havingdonethemajorconstructionofthe WaterCubemeansalottotheopeningceremonyof2008BeijingOlympics.1.V-ingformasSubject逻辑主语 Hisnotbeinginvitedmadehimunhappy.Tom'shelpinghermadehermoveddeeply.动名词做主语...
to be written D. being written II.V-ing vs. infinitive as verb object 1)有些动词和动词词组后只用动名词作宾语 动词:enjoy, appreciate, avoid, finish, pardon, forgive, escape, cant stand(不能忍受), cant help(不禁), consider,delay, deny, excuse, imagine, fancy, mention, mind, miss(错过...