美国各专科护理协会,如美国静脉输液协会(Infusion Nursing Society,INS)、美国危重症护理协会( American Association of Critical-care Nurse,AACN)、美国手术室护士协会(Association of periOperative Registered Nurses,AORN) 、美国护理信息协会(American Nursing Informatics Association,ANIA)、老年高级实践协会(the Geronto...
While mobile Health (mHealth) holds much potential, the infusion of mHealth is still in its infancy and has yet to achieve sufficient attention in the Info
Conference 2015Addressing Reproductive and Maternal Health Disparities: Identification, Measurement, and SolutionsAddressing Women and Men Perinatal Mental Health: Towards a Multi-Dimensional ApproachAdolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsAdolescent Depression PreventionAdvances and ...