1. 访问OpenSubtitles的官方网站( www.opensubtitles.com ),注册并登录你的账户。2. 登录后,点击你的头像进入账户页面,选择“API consumers”。3. 在页面中找到并点击蓝色“NEW CONSUMER”按钮,填写名称(可随意),并勾选下面的两个选项。4. 点击“SAVE”按钮生成API Key,复制这段密钥备用。5....
设置-媒体服务器-emby,填写api key;(Emby服务端-高级-API密钥-新建-名称随便,复制即可)设置-目录同步,先按下图来新建文件夹,然后对应新增目录同步;随便复制两部电影到下载路径,看看hlink的目录下是否会识别出来,如果没有就在服务-目录同步中,手动点击开始同步;遇到硬链接识别不到的,去媒体管理-手动识别,自定义...
作为开发的需要,建议先去Face++官网申请一个账号,然后创建一个应用,因为在开发中需要使用API Key和API Secret。创建应用如图: (2)获取API Key和API Secret 通过步骤(1)后,就能获取API Key和API Secret了。如图所示: 分别复制到如下代码中: (3)下载SDK 其实在该项目中,你不需要进行这一步操作,项目中已经集成了...
New Administrative/Security Functionality 1) Added a private API to generate a new API Key for the master org A new API Key can now be generated for the master organization using the API. The procedure for updating the key in the INfuse Service is described in the INfuse AX - Azure Setup...
ret.add(obj.getKey()); } }returnret; } 開發者ID:Microsoft,項目名稱:vsminecraft,代碼行數:15,代碼來源:MetallurgicInfuserRecipeHandler.java 示例4: drawExtras ▲點讚 2▼ importmekanism.api.infuse.InfuseType;//導入依賴的package包/類@OverridepublicvoiddrawExtras(inti){InfuseTypetype = ((CachedIO...
Added ordering for column listing on edit/create pages to the api Aug 30, 2016 structure Infuse Pages feature added. Unique key added to associate nav page wi… Aug 8, 2015 views added token to children forms (import and export csv) ...
If using the CLI, the template name will always match the file name of the template definition.$dataObjis the object that contains the data that will be used in the sub-template. If using the original data object, simply pass.instead of$dataObj, or if the data object is a sub-key of...
binfuse::sharded_filter<binary_fuse8_t, mio::access_mode::write> sink( "tmp/sharded_filter8_tiny.bin", 1); // alternative "streaming" API for bullding the filter // the entries below must be strictly in order sink.stream_prepare(); sink.stream_add(0x0000000000000000); sink.stream_add...
podman run --restart unless-stopped -d --name momenarr \ -v $WHERE_TO_STORE_MEDIAS:/data \ -v $WHERE_TO_STORE_DB_AND_TRAKT_TOKEN:/config \ -e DOWNLOAD_DIR="/data/momenarr" \ -e DATA_DIR="/config" \ -e NEWSNAB_API_KEY="$YOUR_NEWSNAB_API" \ -e NEWSNAB_HOST="$YOUR_NEWS...
Now that the model is deployed, we can also test it from external applications. One way to invoke the model API is using the cURL command. NOTE: Windows users will need thecURLcommand. It is recommended todownload gitbashfor this, as you will also have other tools and you will be able...