Digital WorkplaceAll types of devices and platforms. Provided virtually, aaS, or physically. Ready for use. Globally. SecurityIT security is incorporated in everything we provide – from counseling to the solution. DO IT GreenCreate business from your used IT equipment through our global service....
Work-in-Progress: SMART-WATER, a Νovel Τelemetry and Remote Control System Infrastructure for the Management of Water Consumption in Thessalonikidoi:10.1007/978-3-030-49932-7_89Water scarcity and water stress issues pose a serious threat to the global population. Climate change, drought, ...
Cars and trucks are directed into the right lane by two trucks with light-up arrows on interstate 78 with a "Work Zone" sign in the foreground. During a press conference held by PennDOT next to Interstate 78 in Greenwich township Tuesday morning April 27, 2021 where they highlighted the ne...
To strengthen the leadership of the CPC Central Committee over economic work, we need to emphasize political guidance and adopt a holistic approach. We also need to coordinate development and security, formulate sound strategies, and advance innovation in practice and theory. Moreover, both short-te...
The multitude of orchestrated disinformation designed to discredit it with such malicious labels as "debt trap" has failed to hamper the Belt and Road Initiative's momentum. The incessant insidious vilification of the initiative by the West has failed to slow its progress in infrastructure developmen...
Automating configuration management in IT isn't that different. It involves managing systems in transitioning states. And it involves coordinating various subsystems so they work together. Philosophical questions are a current issue for IT administrators: Should the system maintain and preserve the proces...
The live query plan displays the overall query progress and operator-level run-time execution statistics such as the number of rows produced, elapsed time, operator progress, etc. Because this data is available in real time without needing to wait for the query to complete, these...
Employees of China Railway 24th Bureau Group Corp Ltd work on a high-speed rail bridge in Jingmen, Hubei province, in March. [Photo/China Daily] Intensified efforts, intelligent tech bolster projects amid nation's economic recovery China's infrastructure construction continues to progress at a fast...
“Although the recent epidemic has disrupted the progress to some extent, we are working hard to meet the deadline,” Gan said. The tunnel boring work on Chunfeng Tunnel in Luohu District has progressed for 1,675 meters and over 4...
vice president of network and data center solutions at Keysight Technologies. “We are very pleased with our progress on the broader industry enablement and excited to work with top technology innovators like Marvell to showcase next generation interconnect technologies that will help push the bo...