The South Dakota Senate Commerce and Energy Committee this morning (Jan. 12, 2023) passed a bill that allocates $150 million in housing infrastructure loans and grants. A parade of business and housing lobbyists and state officials briefly testified in favor of the bill. Their bottom line:...
January 16, 2025 No Comments Mark Pestrella wasn’t born with a passion for public service, but, as in a proverbial coming-of-age story, fire transformed him at the age of 17. Read More ENR 2024 California Top Specialty Contractors West Coast Specialty Contractors Look Past Sluggish 2023 ...
DOT awarded 44 grants after receiving 200 applications. Construction and the 2024 Election Trump and Harris: Looking Ahead to The Next Big Transportation Bill Tom Ichniowski September 25, 2024 No Comments Presidential candidates Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump have provided...
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and two fellow Democrats have introduced a bill that would provide $50 million in federal grants for each of fiscal years 2015-2019 to help states, local communities, and tribal governments upgrade their water and wastewater infrastructure systems.Hume...
Empire Statewide GIS|Taggedclimate change,grants,infrastructure,legislative agenda,local government,NYS GIS Association,urban,utilities|Leave a reply Campus Planning and Geospatial Technologies at UAlbany Posted onFebruary 16, 2022 1 GIS used in many areas alongside engineering and architectural applications...
SlovakAid, “Microgrants”, 70. Law of 18 November 2015 on Development Cooperation (392/2015 Z. z. o rozvojovej spolupráci a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov),
The second Trump administration and the new Congress will have opportunities to put their stamp on the infrastructure law Biden passed. Agency officials will be able toaward tens of billions of dollarsin remaining competitive grants, Brookings Institution said in a blog in November. ...
Research Grants:The bill would authorize $75 million per year through fiscal 2026 for research grants to address water pollution and training at water treatment works. The current $25 million-per-year authorization runs through fiscal 2023. At least $50 million per year would be for grants to ...
The federal government authorized $1.2 trillion in grants to establish federal-state partnerships for intercity passenger rail as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, commonly referred to as the bipartisan infrastructure bill. ...
For the Federal Aviation Administration, the Biden proposal includes $3.35 billion from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund for airport infrastructure grants, the same as the 2023 enacted mark. The 2023 FAA appropriations also included $3.35 billion for airport grants from the general fund, for congr...