The dataset comprises 2,898 infrared thermal images extracted from 43,470 frames in hundreds of videos, and all frames were collected in public and desensitized. To promote effective use of the dataset on different tasks, the HIT-UAV10provides two types of annotated bounding boxes for each objec...
INO Videos Analytics Dataset con- tains very rich scenes and environments, but few pedestrian and few low-light images. The OTCBVS Benchmark Dataset Collection [3] initi- ated by Dr. Riad I. Hammoud in 2004 contains very rich 3497 infrared datasets, the OSU...
It allows various functions to alter the thermal range, add measurement points as well as various filters. The program is also capable of converting whole folders of raw data frames into images (JPG, BMP or PNG) or avi videos. The live tab allows you to stream live images from the device...
With the industrial demand caused by multi-sensor image fusion, infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) technology is flourishing. In recent years, scale decomposition methods have led the trend for feature extraction. Such methods, however, have low time efficiency. To address this issue, this...
For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to ...
The take-off location was between 50 m to 150 m away from spider monkey subgroups. Additionally, we flew 4 hover flights in which the drone flew to a single sleeping tree and hovered over it for a minimum of 5 min. We started these flights at 70 m AGL and after several minutes ...
In the VOT-TIR challenges, its objective is mainly to track for ground targets such as pedestrian, car, and bike which are clearly classified. In addition, there is an attempt to develop an algorithm to track various targets from videos that is captured by UAV [17]. Nevertheless, it is ...