“握力(Grip)” 压力 在长期“握力”压力的情况下,INFP可能会耗尽他们主要的Fi(内倾感觉)和Ne(外倾直觉),并沉浸在他们的次要功能中;外倾思考Te。当INFP所处的环境不适合他们的自然优势时,这种情况经常会发生。处于一种消极、不断的冲突和批评的氛围中会给他们带来长期的、强烈的压力,因为这与他们天生的理解和同情...
te grip的infp,我觉得发展te对于守护自己的价值观很有帮助,te的趋利避害和解决事情的能力都是ne和si...
会,但也不会。一般是暂时性的Te grip,不会真的变成istj但是Te浓度高到能跟istj表象行为高度相似。我...
Fi具有高度的人性化,这一点与第四功能(劣势功能)Te相悖,Te是具有强烈目标导向的判断功能,如果Fi是人化,那Te是绝对的物化,不仅物化外界,还物化自己,以达成目标。Te也具有很强的执行力,由于Te的特点有悖Fi,所以INFP通常不喜欢且逃避执行。 当第四功能陷入不健康发展的Grip中,INFP可能会表现得“不像INFP”——全...
During grip stress, INFJs can be taken over by the inferior function. When this happens, they become reckless, impulsive, and focused on sensory details. They may blow all their money on clothes or vacations. They may manically clean everything in their room till it’s pristine. They ...
INFPs’ inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te), may also play a negative role in their relationships. In the grip of Te, INFPs can become uncharacteristically rigid, inflexible, nitpicky, or obsessed with things like household organization, doing things “by the book,” or “being respo...
The grip function of the two types differs drastically. When both are under extreme conditions, they’ll behave in a way unnatural to their natural preferences. As for the INFP, common behaviors include excessive working, exercising, or socializing to distract, numb, and block out whatever’s ...
Ideally, INFJ, INTJ, INFP, and INTP types should try to implement strategies that will set them up for successbeforethey reach the point where they feel themselves falling into the grip. This is achievable in a variety of ways. First, INs should spend time evaluating their true priorities an...