The ISFJ takes in the world in a concrete/matter of fact manner. The ISFJ remembers facts, places, and uses past events to predict future outcomes. Feeling and Feeling Two feeling types can make for a very warm and inviting relationship. Both types are in tune with the feelings of others...
FiNe stands forIntroverted Feeling (Fi)andExtraverted Intuition (Ne), the main two mental processes of the INFP. Si Fe stands forIntroverted Sensation (Si)andExtraverted Feeling (Fe), the main two mental preferences of the ISFJ. But don’t worry, you don’t have to understand everything a...
I’m currently in an INFP-ISFJ relationship. It was a struggle at first due to the clashing Sensing and iNtuitive personalities. While I was imaginative and idealistic, he was more focused on real-world events. But over time, we both realized our train of thought. Since our relationship was...
Unlike the INFP andISFP(the types best captured by Riso and Hudson’s Nine profile), the primary concern for both the INFJ andISFJis notintra-personal harmony (which we can associate with IFPs’Introverted Feeling (Fi)function), butinter-personal harmony, which derives from their use ofExtrav...
I (female INFP) had a very good dating relationship with a ISFJ (male) in and after college. There were times we even talked marriage and the future. But I always felt something was missing and broke it off eventually. Here's why: ...
Like INTPs, INFPs have a love-hate relationship with their Ne. They relish the sense of wonder, curiosity, and anticipation it instills, as well as its creativity and openness. Without their Ne, they would not be the seekers and creatives that they are. But living with Ne is not withou...
Because Myers-Briggs ® INFPs are such personal learners, having a strong relationship with their instructor or coach is extremely important. They excel in environments and under tutelage in which their instructor knows them not only as a learner but also as an individ...
Relationship Between the Personality Type and Work Life Balance Among Academic Staff of University of Kelaniya According to the findings ISTP, ISFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP,ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ personality have worklife balance but people who have ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, INFP personalit...