Hyderabad State Bank of India State Bank of Mysore South Indian Bank Syndicate Bank Union Bank of India Vijaya Bank Yes Bank Total cash and bank balances as per Balance Sheet in r crore As at March 31, 2011 2010 1,197 881 488 – 1,254 500 100 958 354 100 295 276 – 49 646 ––...
Infosys Hyderabad SDB LEED Platinum Project and several other Infosys LEED Platinum projects worldwide. We would like to further this relationship in Infosys Shanghai Campus Project by providing LEED Commission Infosys和AECOM在SDB-2 Trivandrum SEZ校园, LEED白金项目、Infosys海得拉巴SDB LEED白金项目和几个...