Frankfurt am Main 1904 - Paris 1998 Francis Bott was born in Frankfurt am Main on 8 March 1904. After a childhood and adolescence spent in Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Holland, Bott became an artist in the 1930s but not until he had spent some years as a vagabond with left...
Frankfurt am Main 1870 - Freiburg 1960 Fritz Klimsch trained at the Königliche Akademische Hochschule für die bildenden Künste [Royal Fine Art Academy] in Berlin in the drawing class taught by the painter Ernst Hancke and in the modelling class under Albert Wolff. From 1887-1890 he was...
Kickbusch I, Riedmüller B, editors. Die Armen Frauen: Frauen und Sozialpolitik. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt Am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984. Kim MS. Unsichtbare Migrantinnen und Migranten erste Einwanderergeneration aus asiatischen Ländern – Altersbilder, Pflegevorstellungen und Inanspruchnahme-Barrieren. In:...
Speyer 1880 - Basel 1966 The artist and engraver Hans Purrmann was born on 10th April 1880 in Speyer. Between 1893-97 Purrmann worked as a decorative artist in his father’s workshop, and from 1897-1905, he studied at the Academy of Arts in Munich. His fellow students included Paul Kle...
Karl Raupp Darmstadt 1837 - München 1918 Born in Darmstadt in 1837, Karl Raupp first trained in Darmstadt under the landscape painter August Lucas. In 1856 the young Karl Raupp went to Frankfurt am Main, where he continued his training at the Städelschule under Jakob Becker until 1858. ...
Frankfurt am Main he developed the stage for B. Brecht's "Im Dickicht der Städte". In 1986 Arroyo's piece "Bantam" had its world premiere at the Munich Residenztheater. Since 1969 he has frequently been working with producer Klaus Michael Grüber, with whom he designed the stage for ...
After his first extensive trip to Italy, Christian Kruck was given a position at the Städel school in Frankfurt am Main in 1953. Kruck developed his own process for his color lithographs, which gave his prints a watercolor-like character. He portrayed mainly landscapes, in which he focused...
(art in construction). Important examples are a 5 meter tall piece consisting of asymmetrically attached, metal arms, tapering like needles on the premises of the Fachhochschule Fulda, and the kinetic sculpture at the broadcasting center of the Hessischer Rundfunk in Frankfurt am Main. It consists...
He participated there as second plenipotentiary of Prussia and from 1815 to 1819 he was the Prussian plenipotentiary in the parliament in Frankfurt am Main, chairman of the commission for tax reform and the Prussian envoy to London. In 1819 he returned to Berlin as Minister of Class Issues, ...
Auf der .conf22 könnt ihr euch nicht nur mit anderen Splunk-Enthusiasten austauschen, sondern auch eine Menge über unsere Splunk-Produkte und ihren Mehrwert für eure IT-, Security- und Observability-Initiativen erfahren. Es erwarten euch über 200 Sessions von Experten und Kunden sowie Worksh...