The Snowflake Information Schema (aka “Data Dictionary”) consists of a set of system-defined views and table functions that provide extensive metadata information about the objects created in your account. The Snowflake Information Schema is based on the SQL-92 ANSI Information Schema, but with ...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_METRICS是Snowflake数据库中的一个系统视图,它提供了关于表存储指标的信息。通过查询该视图,可以获取有关表的存储统计信息,包括表的大小、行数、列数等。 该视图返回的列包括: TABLE_CATALOG:表所属的目录名称。 TABLE_SCHEMA:表所属的模式名称。
In the last 30 days Tableau cloud has run the same query in Snowflake, SELECT TYPE FROM <DBNAME>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DATABASES WHERE DATABASE_NAME = '<DBNAME>', over 22,000 times! We don't have that many users or reports (in the hundreds), but we have started to make ...
leaf_segment和leaf_snowflake两种方案,目前shardingsphere已实现leaf_segment 强制分片路由 解析sql提取分片键列与值 进行分片,若无分片条件 无法分片 需全路由 使用threadlocal管理分片键值,通编程方式向hintmanager添加分片条件,仅当前线程有效 还计划通过sql中特殊注释引用hint,开发者透明方式使用该功能 指定强制分片路由...
ANSI uses the term “catalog” to refer to databases. To maintain compatibility with the standard, the Snowflake Information Schema topics use “catalog” in place of “database” where applicable. For all intents and purposes, the terms are conceptually equivalent and interchangeable. ...
ANSI uses the term “catalog” to refer to databases. To maintain compatibility with the standard, the Snowflake Information Schema topics use “catalog” in place of “database” where applicable. For all intents and purposes, the terms are conceptually equivalent and interchangeable. ...
Mar 18 01:45:09 OI-n2 sendmail[608]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own ...