GTU Information Technology May 2014 Question PaperIT Question Paper
slower chains of resharing activity; and (4) a very small minority of users (older and more conservative) power the spread of misinformation, triggering very deep cascades that accumulate large numbers of views. Thepaperwill be shared by email (or by request, but ...
The query-based paradigm has a long and predominant tradition inInformation Retrieval, whose main focus is the study to support users in retrieving information, that match their description. The user submits the query (that represents the information need) to theIR system, generally through a user...
Information Technology and Personal Data. The Company’s, its Subsidiaries’ and, to the knowledge of the Company, the Related Parties’ information technology assets and equipment, computers, systems, n...
With the development of information communication technology (ICT), the prospect of the digital age has been displayed today. Significant changes have taken place in the way and nature of information generation, circulation, and reception. New communication channels represented by social media such as...
Traditional IR systems demonstrate limitations when dealing with such documents, which motivated the emergence of structured document retrieval (SDR) technology intending to overcome these limitations. This paper reviews the work carried out from the inception to the development and application of SDR in...
To test our main research question about how the information of the prior is combined with the incoming face information, we used the partial trials in which the presented face contained the expected as well as an unexpected face part. By comparing the activation patterns of the partial trials ...
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands Shabnam Najafian Clemson University, Clemson, USA Geoff Musick & Bart Knijnenburg University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands Nava Tintarev Contributions SN wrote the main manuscript text. NT and BK reviewed and advised the experimental ...
We can speculate further about the integration of DNA into information technology, ultimately only limited by our own imagination. However, one important question is already eminent and will remain important in the future: Just because we can, is it ethically responsible to further program biology?
National Institute of Standards and Technology. National vulnerability database (NVD). MITRE Corporation. Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE). MITRE Corporation. Common weakness enumeration (CWE). Mavroeidis, V. & Bromander, S. Cyber threat intelligence model: An evaluation of taxonomies, shar...