Infosec Compilation is an information security repository for offensive, defensive, and purple-teaming resources, along with guides designed for advanced penetration testing tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) based on the MITRE framework - Digita
Information GovernanceRecords ManagementSecurity Beyond the Hype of Content Services 26 March 2018Laurence Hart [Originally published on the TeraThink blog] A few weeks back, I spoke on an Information Coalition webinar with Nick Inglis about getting Beyond the Hype of Content Services. We discussed...
Topics covered include the complexities of copyright legislation, the use of social media applications to improve research, and data governance. Among the speakers were Panoramix Global's co-founder Mary Meehan and Sterling Talent Solutions' chief executive officer Clare Hart. 原文传递 原文传递并翻译...
the subject is still so controversial and so closely related to Internet Governance that only a few new Top Level Domains have been created. Pre-ICANN days, the "fly-by-night cowboy" attitude of so many players in the arena of Internet Governance prompted OCL to distance himself from endless...
Cloud-based e-governance is currently being realized due to IT infrastructure availability along with mindset changes of government advisors towards realizing the various policies in a best possible manner. This paper presents a pragmatic approach that combines the capabilities of both cloud computing ...
Social and cultural values can be competing with each other when they are considered outside their typical context, e.g. on a global scale, and may depend on issues that are not directly addressed by the IoT technology, such as local governance and ethical aspects considered at different socia...
the first digital cryptocurrency to gain mainstream appeal. The introduction of decentralized data exchange technology in any industry would require strengthened security, enforce accountability, and could potentially accelerate a shift in workflow dynamics from current centralized architectures to a decentralize...